Why is the project called Pay It Forward?
Peoples Church has a long heritage of impacting our city and region. We want to passionately invest our resources in our church, community, and around the globe. So, with this project, we are asking our church family to join us in Paying It Forward by addressing our property needs so we can continue to create essential programs that engage people to see God and participate in His redemptive work. God has given us a vision of our faith family in the future, and we want to do all we can to equip them for greater ministry and impact.
What does the Pay It Forward project include and why are we doing it?
Our property is where many people first meet God, and it’s time to elevate our campus to match our new building standard, as well as address infrastructure issues and debt that keep us from ministry opportunities. Each of the following initiatives ensures sustainability and excellence: SOLAR will save money in the future. Updating our fire SAFETY technology ensures the highest standards. To increase our impact, we need to upgrade our SYSTEM by remodeling outdated spaces, reconfiguring the auditorium platform and upgrading audiovisual technologies. We also want to pay down our debt to invest in SAVINGS for future generations.
When do we expect to begin and how long will the project take?
Some items, including fire safety, are already underway. We plan to officially begin May 2022 and go through May 2025.
Will the renovations and upgrades affect our current ministries?
We expect minimal disruption to the ministry schedule and only small inconveniences elsewhere.
What is the problem? Why do we need to upgrade our facilities?
The last thing we want to do is pass on outdated systems and buildings to our future faith family. Following God’s lead and Paying It Forward will prepare Peoples Church to make an impact in the Fresno and Clovis communities for the next 50 years and beyond through wise stewardship of the property and programs God has entrusted to us.
Can Peoples Church raise $12 million beyond our annual budget needs?
Through consultation with Generis, our stewardship firm, we believe $12 million is an attainable goal. Evangelical churches typically raise around two to three times their annual giving in a financial campaign. For Peoples Church, just two times our annual giving would be $17 million. Mature disciples of Jesus Christ are generous with their time, spiritual gifts, and financial resources. While giving looks different for every person, if we give sacrificially, we will not only meet our goal, but exceed it and experience God’s joy in the process.
Will giving to Pay It Forward have a negative effect on funding for the annual budget?
We do not expect giving to have an adverse effect on the normal operating or missions budgets. We believe that as we faithfully follow the Lord’s leading and mature in our understanding of generosity, giving to the annual budget will remain strong. We even expect it to increase.
What is the best way to give to the Pay It Forward Campaign?
The most important place to begin is by completing a Commitment Card on which you can indicate what you plan to give over the three-year campaign period. This card is vital as it informs Peoples Church what to expect and how to wisely plan expenditures.
When the time comes to begin giving, a number of methods are available:
• Online giving, which can be used for all giving to Peoples Church
• A giving envelope with the Pay It Forward designation
• Text giving
• Stocks/noncash gifts; to arrange a stock or noncash donation, contact the Business Office
Will I be able to change my 36-month commitment if I need or want to?
Of course! Unforeseen circumstances may cause you to want to increase or decrease your giving commitment in the future. At any time during the 36 months, you can review or change your Pay It Forward commitment online at peopleschurch.org, or you can ask for another Commitment Card and turn it in with your revised commitment!
What if I can’t afford to give right now?
Even in times of scarcity, God wants our hearts. The widow who gave her last mite did not make a very big financial contribution, but Jesus said she gave the largest gift of all. Paying It Forward is about all of us coming together, giving generously, and trusting God to do the rest. It may mean God is asking you to trust Him by making a faith commitment that you do not know how to fulfill right now. God has supplied our every need in Christ, and we trust He will honor a heart that wants to give generously in response to the gospel.
There may also be ways to be sacrificial with your lifestyle to create a margin for generosity in your life. Look for ways to involve the entire family in the process of giving generously. Use this as an opportunity to teach children and grandchildren to obey the Lord with a generous heart and to trust Him. This is a great opportunity to take a look at our overall stewardship of all that God has entrusted to us.
How are we seeking God’s direction in these efforts?
The current direction of Peoples Church has been steeped in prayer asking for discernment, direction, courage, and unity. Multiple teams of ministry leaders, as well as our Pastors and the Church Council, have joined together to ask what God wants from us at this time. The direction of Pay It Forward is the result of these prayers.