I pray this email finds you well and enjoying spring in the beautiful Central Valley. With things coming to life and flowers and blossoms all around us, I can’t help but anticipate what the future holds. Not only for the area we live in but also for us at Peoples Church.
As most of you know, we are in the middle of exciting things here at Peoples Church. New people are coming each week, and the growth has positively impacted all areas of our church. The new solar project and the restoration of parking areas are preparing us for continued growth. The solar project will be completed by summer’s end, and we are excited about the substantial savings we will see on our PG&E bills which will amount to over $600,000 a year for our entire property.

I want to update you regarding our Pay It Forward Campaign. About a year ago, we had a firm commitment from our Faith Family that will set us up for generations to come. I am pleased to announce that over $2 million has come in for this campaign! We praise God and thank you for your faithfulness. Now we need to take the next step. To finish this part of the first phase in cash, we need to raise a little over $1 million prior to September 1st. I have absolutely no doubt we can do this. Here’s how:
Some of us have the ability to pay our commitments early for this three-year campaign. If you find yourself in this group, we are asking for you to prayerfully consider contributing now.
Many are systematically giving towards your commitment to this campaign. Thank you for your consistency and dedication as you continue to give.
Some have never committed to the Pay It Forward campaign. This is your chance to get involved to help our church be healthy for generations! Our children and grandchildren will be blessed by the sacrifices we make today.
I have spoken with our Church Council and we will emphasize Pay It Forward once a month through the summer. On these Sundays, we will update and ask you, our Faith Family, to come prepared with a special offering as we get ready to finish this vital project and move into the future God has for us!
On Sunday, April 23rd, we will have a special offering for Pay It Forward. Joni and I will be there with our check in hand! Will you join us? We can do this together!
Thank you for your generous support!

Pastor Dale Oquist